tisdag 8 mars 2011


Dirty snow in main square.


Sunset over an ice covered lake...but spring is looming. Days are getting longer.

måndag 28 februari 2011


Facade of a building on Ronneby high street

The swedes are swimming in icy waters - fire department is apparently investigating the newly built jetty in the Ronneby river, to see if it complies with fire regulations.

torsdag 13 januari 2011

Cheap airline tickets?

I want to go to some warm place again, even if I like the winter, I would not mind to take a trip somewhere for a short while. Any one that knows any good deals to Kap Verde?


Kloven-Ronneby archipelago. Summer seems far away.

söndag 9 januari 2011


Marshall Zjukov on his horse.


A galant house in Risanäs. I imagine it is a captains cabin, since it shows obvious signs of wealth at the time of construction and no real signs of being a farm.


The skerry Skaftö!
Little blonde boy discovering the skerry of Skaftö, Ronneby archipelago.

Sweden-Lake Läen, Småland


Pictures from Ronneby's frozen archipelago


 Minus 30 degrees centigrade.
Reindeers walking around in the forest.


 Lodz-walking street. It looks exactly like I imagined Poland.
 Ghetto in Lodz
 Ghetto in Lodz
Ghetto in Lodz
Ghetto hallway in Lodz, people live here.


The grave of the unknown soldier.

lördag 8 januari 2011